This is basically just an archive of my favorite things on the internet. You're welcome.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Twilight: New Meow

If there was ever an argument for dressing kitties as humans, this is it.

When I first saw this, naturally I figured that some old Twilight-obsessed cat lady (redundant?) found herself with exceptional crafting skills and excess time on her hands. But apparently, this was for some charity event for the North Shore Animal League.

And just who is this hansom, blood-sucking kitty? "The hairless wonder was dressed as Bella's bloodsucking beau for the 15th birthday party for Matilda, the resident cat at the legendary Algonquin Hotel." [E! Online]

Via Lanni O.

New Conditioner Gives My Hair that Post-Pregnancy Shine

Buy it here. (Contains real placenta extracts!)
Yum. Thanks Leisha B.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Summer Reading

I'm really excited about my summer reading list. First up: This.
Thanks, Ashley C.


Maru Kitty!

It has been almost a year since my last post. Much has changed, most importantly, Maru Kitty had a birthday!